I . am . ready......ready to dive into these pretty little jars of goodness that I have saved this season. This year has been a canning whirl-wind of one week of daily canning with various friends! So the schedule was as follows
Thursday: apple pie filling Me, but I'll share!
Friday: salsa Lisa, Josie and Moi
Saturday: peaches Josie and Me and our little helpers
Sunday: tomatoes Sara and I
Monday: pickles.....more pickles Sweet Sara and Moi
I must say the salsa was the most involved of the canning sessions....all the chopping, dicing, roasting had lasted the better part of the day....but oh so worth it. We made some changes to each batch, we ended up with over 20 jars each of: mild, chipotle, jalapeno and a roasted blend...which is my most favorite!
Our army of Salsa!
So conquering the need for a winter supply of salsa, I moved on with Josie for a Saturday of Peaches, returning to her house with heavenly smells of roasted salsa.....knowing that the house would soon have the smells of spiced peaches. Saturday went a little differently then Friday. All kids were in tow for a total of 5 kids and one nanny dog Sydney! I must say it was a busy blast day of fun!
Crazy Canning Kids
The reason why I am in so much need of salsa......our basic staple food in our house is Quesadillas and salsa for dip-dip!
Sweetly Spiced Peaches of Life
These are what memories are made of! I look at this day fondly of our kids playing all day, in the house outside in the yard while Nanny Sydney watches over them! I can still picture the diaper clad two year olds holding babies waddling around, a wanting 6 yr old desperate to help with the canning process and a couple of rugged boys running all over.....days like these are exactly what makes me oh so happy here in Rev!
What a delightful sight of freshly skinned Roma's ready for a little chop and warm roast in the oven. This is day three of canning and today is was with my gal Sara. Just when I thought maybe I'd be tired of tomatoes I had a couple boxes ready for some attention. I loves cooking with these ruby beauties.....I love them in sandwiches, with salt, roasted with goat cheese, in stews, with chicken reducing in my cast iron pan and most definitely in soup.
I love this earthenware pan, part of my hand me down kitchen collection..and my most favorite dish to bake with. I am a firm believer that all people come into your life for a reason. Some people stay longer then others. Some leave as fast as they come. But there is a certain friend that it doesn't matter how far and wide you may be you are always close at heart. This particular girlfriend was my confidant while I lived in Northern Ontario, she had moved many a mile from S. Africa to Canada. She has found her way back to S.Africa with her two weeins and I headed for the west coast! We hang a piece of our friendship on the walls of the kids room and this particular piece of kitchenware is used on a weekly bases and I get to think fond thoughts of my dear friend.

Pickles were the order of the day on this Monday, they spent the the night in an ice bath all for the greater good of crunch! By this day I have been slicing and dicing for 4 previous days and have become quite speedy in the process of preparing the jars for their water bath. Another basic staple in our household.....as you need a garlic dill to side yummy deli!
Well I am planning this Thanksgiving to crack open a few different types of jarred goodness! A complimentary pallet teaser of peaches and a yummy dessert of some sort...be sure. I will be sharing my choices as why else put up for the winter in you can't share with your friends!
Jarred Apple Pie Filling
4 1/2 cups white sugar
1 cup cornstarch
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons salt
10 cups water
3 tablespoons lemon juice
6 pounds apples
in a large pan, mix sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add salt and water and mix well. Bring to a boil and cook until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and add lemon juice.
Sterilize canning jars, lids and rings by boiling them in a large pot of water.
Peel, core, and slice apples. Pack the sliced apples into hot canning jars, leaving a 1/2 inch headspace.
Fill jars with hot syrup, and gently remove air bubbles with a knife.
Put lids on and process in a water bath canner for 20 minutes or according to your elevation....best to check!

Random pooch shot!